“Protecting and preserving our habitats and ecosystems is essential to the survival of all wildlife, and every acre left unexploited safeguards native animals that desperately need our help to survive. The role of private lands has now become an integral part of the solution, and private landholders with a concern for wildlife and habitat protection are in the unique and important position to make a very real contribution to conservation efforts across the country.” – Wildlife Land Trust.
Two ecological assessments of tarcoola done in recent years have confirmed that our property has notable nature conservation values due to the large number of mature native trees and the structural diversity of the remnant vegetation, and its connectivity to Wallaroo National Park. The vegetation in our riparian area is classed as a Threatened Ecological Community: Spotted Gum / Ironbark Woodland and the First Order Stream that runs through our wildlife corridor is part of the Hunter Water Catchment.
A riparian zone is land alongside creeks, streams, gullies, rivers and wetlands. These areas are unique and diverse and are often the most fertile parts of the landscape.*^
Riparian land provides critical habitat for native plants and animals, particularly threatened species. The vegetation along rivers and streams provides a connection for native plants and animals to move between patches of remnant vegetation in the landscape.*
Riparian lands often have a high level of biodiversity, and act as a refuge for plants and animals in times of stress such as during fire or prolonged drought. Species can move out from riparian refuges to recolonise adjacent areas when better times return. Some animals rely on riparian lands for their entire lifetime, whereas others may only need them at particular times during the day, in certain seasons, or during specific life stages.
Australia is fortunate to have one of the richest assemblages of endemic species on the planet, occupying an amazing diversity of habitats. Yet currently only 11.5% of the Australian landmass has some form of security as a protected area, and as a result we have one of the worst records for mammal extinctions and near extinctions of any developed country.
Creating habitat areas can be as simple or as detailed as you like. Just one Grevillea will bring nectar eating birds to your garden. Add a water bowl or bird bath and some shelter and you have started to create a wildlife area.
Habitat Stepping Stone is a fantastic initiative developed by Macquarie Uni (NSW) to help you find food, water, shelter elements to add to your property (backyard / balcony/ workspace) to create a habitat stepping stone for local wildlife. A website full of information, including how to build a frog pond, make a bird bath, plus a backyard bug guide and much more, we recommend you check it and encourage you to pledge to add 3 or more habitat options to your place and receive your Habitat Stepping Stone plaque for your front fence.
Land for Wildlife
Wildlife Land Trust
Conservation Agreements
Information sources: XXXXUPDATEXXX
*^ Water NSW
* Importance of riparian land
Water and catchments – https://www.water.vic.gov.au
** Wildlife Land Trust